Monday Munchies...

Happy Monday everyone!  Another week of home school here we come!!! That's next on my to-do list-if you need some ideas of how to set up your at home school space, check out last week's post. 

Having everyone home hasn't been as bad as I would have thought, and I'm so busy I don't have time to think about all I would rather be doing, or think about how life was just seven weeks ago.  What I can tell you is that someone is always eating, I'm asked to make multiple meals a day, and it's mostly overwhelming.  Since I took so much time off from the blog, finding new recipes to share wasn't something I was putting effort into.  So, while I catch up on some good recipes, and not so good recipes, let me share the oldies but goodies.  My focus on sharing is going to be minimal steps and time, because, no one wants to be holed up in the kitchen. Everyone just wants something that tastes great without too much effort!

There are plenty more recipes to be found around here if none of these suit your cravings.  I can't wait to try some new recipes and bring them back for all of you to try!

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