Monday Munchies

My boys have gotten to the age where they're rather bossy opinionated, and lunches and dinners have become a real struggle.  
Add in a picky toddler and we end up eating a lot of oatmeal, pizza, cereal and granola bars.
Go ahead, judge me...the struggle is real!!!

Being on this lifestyle journey of mine has made me much more aware of what I give my kids.
Now, of course I'm not perfect, and my kids are kids-but I'm trying to follow the basic nutrition rule: balanced meals by creating a combination of protein, fats and carbohydrates.  

It dawned on me that tuna noodle casserole is a perfect combo, albeit a bit carb heavy, however totally kid friendly.  
And oh so cheap!  
And it feeds plenty!

Tuna Noodle Casserole 
1 box of macaroni noodles 
2 cans of cream of mushroom soup
2 cans of tuna
Mozzarella cheese  

Boil macaroni noodles according to package directions.
Drain the water when cooking is complete.  
Pour the noodles back into the pot and combine with soup and tuna.
Pour into a 9x13 pan and top with enough mozzarella cheese so top is completely covered.
Bake at 350 until browned on top.

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