Monday Munchies...

This week we'll affectionately call it Monday Meal Plan...
I don't have any new recipes to share, so this week you'll have to settle for my weekly meal plan!
I'm actually kind of liking this idea-thinking of maybe alternating?  

The first thing I do when meal planning is assess the meals that will be sans one parent.  That usually is at least one meal a week.  
If my husband is absent due to work, which is usually what happens-I can get away with making kid friendly meals like pasta, an egg and toast, oatmeal, pancakes, maybe a pizza bagel or fish sticks.  
If it's me that's out for dinner, which happens sometimes, I feel bad leaving my husband with a kid dinner.  

So, what's on the menu this week.

Monday: husband on-call
The kids had their left over hot dog and french fries from last night.  I didn't feel bad because it let me be flexible with my dinner and I could fit anything that fit into my "count."  
We'll talk about that more on Wednesday!!!

 Because I spent all day out fulfilling an obligation (more on that in a few weeks) I didn't have a chance to go grocery shopping.  Today, was my weight lifting day and after I did that I had a quiet early evening at home.  Tomorrow I'll do some quick grocery shopping and whip up something quick and easy.  We'll be having meat on Wednesday, and I don't like to have meat two days in a row.  Normally, I would probably opt for salmon, but there's no time for a Costco run tomorrow, I found this exciting recipe.

I can't wait to try this-it reminds me of the steak salad I get from a particular Mexican restaurant near me, which is one of my go-to meals when I'm out.  

Thursday: I'll have a late afternoon
Because I'll have a late afternoon, I won't have the chance to cook during the day like I normally would.  I'll most likely take out my famous baked spaghetti from the freezer, let it defrost during the day and whoever gets home first will pop it in the oven!  It's just not worth it for me to eat it on my diet, but everyone else will enjoy it while I'll enjoy my own flexible eating.  It's a win-win.  

Friday: Shabbos
Friday night is the Sabbath for me, and those meals get planned either Wednesday night or Thursday afternoon after work and on my way to grocery shop.  We've been keeping it really low key, so it's nothing too exciting.  

What new meals are you trying this week?

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