Thoughts for the day before...

Tomorrow is my blood test-by tomorrow afternoon I'll have received a phone call confirming a pregnancy, or a phone call that delivers a harsh blow.  
A friend asked me a few days ago if I felt that because of the blog, and my desire to be open about infertility, I felt like I had to share the results of the cycle.  I'm sure some of you are wondering that too-it is quite taboo to announce your pregnancy so early on.  The problem is, when you're open about a current struggle with infertility and you openly talk about your cycle and the great lengths you go through to attempt to get pregnant, you reach a point in the cycle where the only thing left to talk about is yes or no.  The nature of infertility is that there are a lot more nos than yeses, and how open would I be if I hid the results from you?  How would I be spreading awareness if I shielded you from the harsh realities of infertility?  All I ever wanted was to spread awareness and sensitivity, and if I don't allow you to go through my nos, then I'm doing a disservice not only to myself, but to you as well. 

I wish more people could & would do this instead of making judgments based on their limited experiences:

I want to give a completely honest, in real time experience for others, to help #endthetaboo that surrounds infertility.  And in order for that to happen, part of you has to go through an infertile's journey too.  

And just a reminder, for me and for you, there is beauty in this journey, I like to call it My Rose Among Thorns 

Motivational Monday Linkup:

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