Saying Goodbye...

As all pet owners know, the time will come when you have to say good bye.  It's probably one of the harder decisions one has to make in life-it's a delicate balance.  You don't want to do it too soon because of minor inconveniences like extra medications, maybe some accidents in the house, etc.  But you definitely don't want to wait too long.
My parents got their first dog the year before I was born, a test run we'll call it!  But by the time I was old enough to really appreciate him, he was older and not his spunky puppy self.  At the time of his decline we brought Gracie into our home as a rescue dog.  
She will forever be remembered as my childhood dog. 

Times have changed and I haven't seen her often-in fact, only two times in the past two years!  When we saw her a few weeks ago, we all knew it would be the last.  With her weakened back legs she can barely get around, as well as all the other old lady problems that come along with aging.  Her body is failing her, and it is time to let her go.

I didn't think it would be this hard.  

As I write this, my parents are on their way to put her to sleep, and oh how I wish I was there to give her one last hug and kiss.  

Oh this girl, my childhood companion...

Have a safe journey my sweet girl, and be nice to your new friends...

Thanks for making my childhood brighter...

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