Monday Munchies...

I'm always searching for recipes that are not only a crowd pleaser-but also budget friendly, which is quite the challenge!  Steak is good, but so not budget friendly...

Our Costco bag of individually frozen salmon pieces had run dry, and I really was not in the mood to fork over $20 so I could have some salmon.  So I thought of other ways to provide the awesome Omega-3s.  And I remembered a somewhat regular meal from my childhood-salmon patties...with crunchy fish bones...

I did some quick research and came up with two recipes-both pretty much the same, although one suggested whole wheat bread crumbs vs. the regular, and the latter called for butter.  Knowing I was not going out of my way to make or buy whole wheat breadcrumbs, and then reading on and realizing the butter was solely for cooking purposes, I decided on the following recipe. 

Link included, just click :)
  • 1 can (16 ounces) salmon
  • 1 small onion, finely grated
  • 2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley
  • ground black pepper, to taste
  • 2 large eggs, well beaten
  • 1 to 1 1/2 cups fine dry bread crumbs
  • 3 tablespoons butter

First I want to say WHOA to opening that can of salmon!  I was expecting something canned-tuna like...boy was I in for a surprise! All it was missing was it's head!

Yes, I used the skin, bones and the canned liquid...more flavor!
I hated the crunchy fish bones as a kid (which are totally safe to eat by the way).  So I opened up my utensil drawer and was excited to use my potato masher to mash the bones and skin, and I'm pleased to report that it was successful.  I did not taste any bones!!!

After you mash the salmon, add in the grated onion, minced parsley and pepper.  I attempted grating the onion, but all I ended up with was onion juice, so I just chopped as small as I could.  
The eggs are supposed to be added at the end, but I actually mashed everything together-because I don't have the patience to read directions.

The original recipe calls for reserving 1/2 cup of the bread crumbs for rolling the formed patties in before cooking.  However, I attempted this at first, but didn't really see the point, so I stopped.  The original recipe also says to use butter to fry the patties.  I just sprayed my skillet with non-stick spray and for some of them I sprayed the exposed side pre-flippage to help it get a nice cooked look.  Either way works...

These don't need to cook long-just enough to help the eggs cook and hold their final shape-because hey, another awesome thing about this recipe is that almost everything is pre-cooked!!!  

We served our salmon patties on a whole wheat bun with sliced avocado dressed with lemon juice and salt and pepper.

On another note, I want to thank those of you that thought of us, prayed for us, texted us and supported us as we went through our follow up ultra sound. I am pleased to report that Thank G-d, although the cyst is still present, and in a location unseen to the perinatologist, it appears to be a regular choroid plexus cyst.  It is measuring smaller, there is no blood flow to it, the surrounding tissues appear normal, all four ventricles of the brain appear to be developing as normal, as does the other anatomy.  What remains much less worrisome is the location.  Therefore, it is still recommended that I receive a neuro ultrasound so another set of eyes can take a look at this, just to be sure.  Although we can't say 100% that this is a normal cyst, we are much more confident that this is nothing to worry about.  My follow up ultrasound will be this Thursday.  Hopefully we will receive more good news then, and we will determine at that time if additional monitoring is required.  


  1. So glad and I know all will be well Aaryn! Now, if I come to NY will you make those beautiful salmon patties for me? I can't believe you never opened a can before!

    1. Bubbye (Shellie Rubin)April 23, 2013 at 5:59 PM

      Is that what it would take to get you to New York, Aunt Ellyn?

    2. Bubbye (Shellie Rubin)April 23, 2013 at 6:01 PM

      P.S. The original salmon patty recipe is from Aunt Tommye, Aaryn.

  2. oh my gosh, you had me worried, I checked Facebook and this blog several times yesterday like a worry wart. Now I am breathing a sigh of relief. Have a great day and no more worries ( ;) ).
    PS I make a faux salmon cake using 10oz of tuna and then box of Stove Top stuffing (instead of bread crumbs). My kids like it if I add a cup of shredded cheese to the "batter" before I grill them, plus this helps it stick together.

  3. Excellent news! So glad to hear the news was positive!


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