I dropped it like it's hot...
My money that is...surprise, surprise.
I'd say yesterday's appointment was cause for celebration, and Dr. Wonderful's office is located in a new outdoor mall, so what else is a girl supposed to do?!?
In all fairness, I shopped the sales for the kids, and I finally paid my visit to Sephora.
I need to publicly exclaim my love for Sephora.
Why you may ask?
Because I love that I can go in there and not only do I have access to tons of products, I have someone working with me who has knowledge about all of these products and can hand select what's best for me.
I truly feel that if I went to a makeup counter at the mall, they would sell me some of their product, knowing full well it might not be what's best for me.
For instance, I came in with a few makeup ideas in mind, ones that had come highly recommended.
InStyle just released their recommended beauty products for all the different areas: foundation and cover-up, cheeks (there were probably more, but I only saved what I was interested in).
For reference on what is worth the splurge, according to Real Simple, check here.
Anyway, a few of the products I have been interested in for awhile now, were featured in InStyle as being top picks.

At first I was a little taken aback by the fact that my Sephora assistant was a male...but we quickly got down to business. I spoke with him at length regarding each of these products and it's funny to say, I didn't walk away with any of them!
After finding out a little bit about what I want, he explained that some products aim to achieve a dewy look, and others create a matte finish. I do not want dewy!!! So he did not think a BB cream was something I would be happy with, and I need heavy duty coverage so he did not think Laura Mercier would give me good enough coverage. We both agreed that this blush was not for me based on my makeup expertise...I need something easy to apply, no guesswork, foolproof!
For starters, he explained to me that without a proper skin care routine, it won't matter what makeup I put on-the skin cannot accept it and will not function at it's best.
Do I moisturize? Yes...
Do I exfoliate? Not so much...
Do I have a microdermabrasion wash? Yes...
Do I use it? No...and I even have a clarisonic!
What cleanser do I use? Depends, sometimes exfoliate, sometimes calming, sometimes delicate...
This is the routine that was suggested to me...

I will cleanse with this NU Nude Purify Wash, twice daily
It's not tested on animals and does not contain any chemicals, but it does contain the n probiotic, cinnimon, and omega oils...all natural...
I will use my Clarisonic with it at night
I will use the Clarins toner twice daily
I will use the Oil of Olay during the day and Vaseline at night
People, he was not taken aback by that, at all...So that's my #1 beauty secret-moisturize at night with vaseline-cheap, no scent or harsh chemicals.
Twice weekly I will use the Mary Kay microdermabrasion
And I'm pleased to welcome my new beauty products

Obviously I will see over time how I feel about these products, but I can tell you that Day 1 was a success! I received comments about how nice I looked, and how much pregnancy agrees with me!
I was also told that I am wider than I am tall...but hey, can't win 'em all!
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