High 5 for Friday...
It's Friday...it's kind of a stressful day for me-lots to do for preparing for the Sabbath, but I also know I have two days of upcoming "relaxation." Now relaxation to me is funny to most people-sitting at my desk organizing, writing e-mails, making shopping lists, pinning-those relax me!
I'm linking up with Lauren Elizabeth to showcase my top 5 faves of the week!

I found some true happiness there this week...

I'm loving the Threshold collection at Target! So many trendy, on-target (no pun intended) options, yet so affordable!
3. My Niece's gifts are starting to come in and the final product is going to be beautiful-stay tuned for a giveaway next week for some of my favorite newborn gifts!
4. Amazon Gift cards rock! Especially when they come from credit card points-it's like the perfect excuse to buy yourself a gift! I think I'll buy sheets with my credit...
5. Got some news from my Doctors and we have a plan! More on that later...
Happy Weekend All!!!
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