Containers, bins, coupon codes, Oh My....
So last week I put Container Store on my list of things to do.
See-I had just had it with the detergent falling off of the dryer and spilling onto the floor one too many times!
A few weeks ago I got a Container Store mailing and this was an on-sale feature

It is happily residing in my laundry room and fits perfectly...more perfectly than I ever could have imagined!
Now you all know about my obsession with bins/baskets...

That picture is from See Jane Work but the Container Store does sell the line and it is a little cheaper.
We have two end tables with room for bins, so I have it on the never ending list to re-organize the IKEA expedit unit and I figured some books can be moved into two of these bins. I also am thinking about getting additional ones to add more storage on top of the unit- we have the 4x4 because we did not have room for the 5x5, so I'll just have to create some additional storage on top!
Did you know that for ever $100 you spend at the Container Store during the month of May you receive a $15 gift card to redeem in June?
No complaints there!!!
I also received the Land of Nod catalog in the mail recently, and you know what was mentioned on the back cover?!?
Bins and Baskets Sale! Save 20% May 10-27
Some that currently catch my eye

Do you have any organizational needs this summer? I can't wait to share all of mine!
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