DIY Fabric Bins...
I am so thrilled with my most recent craft! For a few reasons- the most important one being that my impatience did not ruin the project! I am easily frustrated and often times just rush when I get tired or annoyed, and my husband has to frequently remind me that haste makes waste. If you ever encounter me during a project, you will probably hear me mutter under my breath a number of times
haste makes waste, haste makes waste, haste makes waste...
It has prevented me from breaking a number of household items.
Anyway, I'm in the process of finishing up the boys' room. It's been a long time, but I'm learning that purchasing things slowly, actually make a difference financially. I know it seems silly but I used to look at finances like this: I know the total number, so spend it now or later, what's the difference? But the truth is $100 has a lot less sting than $1,000. So, slow and steady wins the race.
Slow and steady wins the race, slow and steady wins the race...ok ok, moving on!
Moshe is pretty much potty trained, but we still frequently use pullups and Dovy will eventually make his way out of the nursery and into Moshe's room, which will be re-named: the boys' room. I can't wait to reveal the final product, but it's still unfinished; hopefully before the baby-I'm in the home stretch (with the room that is, with the baby-not so much!) I will reveal that the colors are orange, grey and teal. It's a very popular color scheme now, but I wasn't sold on it 100% until I spotted a certain item at Ikea, and I knew this was the way we were going and I couldn't be happier.
Back to diapers and potty training-the nursery/second bedroom bedding/baskets are green. This is the first time we've lived in a bigger than 2 bedroom apartment, so before we really didn't have space for extras. So Moshe's diapers and pullups were being stored in a green canvas bin-which obviously doesn't go with my new color scheme.
I haven't come across a type of bin that would work for my purpose, but this was what my project was modeled after, the small gray chevron bin.

I had some gray chevron fabric left over from a project over a year ago. I remembered suddenly and was thrilled that I had all the necessary materials on hand! Much cheaper ;)
Because I had planned on accomplishing this project for awhile, I had been accumulating boxes for quite some time.
Materials Needed
Spray adhesive
Begin with your boxes
You can see that the two boxes were different heights, so I cut one down to match.
Because my fabric was white and gray, I was worried that the cardboard would be seen through the fabric, so I first covered the box with white cardstock.
This is the spray adhesive that I used-it's like spray rubber cement. For those of you who have never been introduced to this amazing craft MUST, it can be bought at your regular store (I found mine at Target) and it can be found in the section where they sell tape. Again, thanks Honey We're Home!
You can see that I basically covered the box like I would wrap a present. I had to play around a little bit with what technique would work best in regards to not having bunched up fabric on the inside corners.
And there is definitely bunched up fabric in the inside corners-Hey, I'm not a professional, by any means!
Once the diapers were inside you can't tell anything about such bunched fabric!
I can't wait to reveal how the rest of the room is coming along!
Haste makes waste, haste makes waste, haste makes waste...
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