Monday Munchies: Baked Honey Mustard Chicken

Honey mustard chicken is a Rosh Hashana traditional dish in our house-made by my mom! My parents spend this holiday with us, so I've never made this recipe. However, my kids now make food requests, and ever since this past Rosh Hashana, Dovy has been requesting honey mustard chicken. Every.Friday.night. 

So, when I needed to come up with a Friday night meal in a pinch, I knew I'd be making honey mustard chicken.  I didn't have time to search through my e-mails to find my mom's recipe, but I knew a good google search would at least give me a staring point.  

6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1/2 cup hone
1/2 cup mustard 
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon dried parsley
salt and pepper 

Combine the honey, mustard, basil, paprika and parsley and mix until forms a sauce.  

Salt and pepper your chicken and place in a lightly greased 9x13 pan.  The original recipe calls for placing only half the sauce mixture over the chicken, and then while baking pour the remaining half on. I actually ended up using a whole chicken, bones included, so I just poured the entire sauce contents over the chicken and baked at 350.  It calls for needing about 45 minutes to bake, but mine needed more.  Unfortunately I didn't discover it needed more until after it was too late to go back and cook it because #sabbath so I'd plan to cook it for longer.  

Unfortunately due to the rushed nature of cooking on Friday afternoons, I don't have a pretty picture to share with you! But, if you follow the link above, you can see lots of other honey mustard chickens made by others! 



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