Monday Munchies...
I'm so excited to share this jackpot of a recipe with you-bonus, it's Monday, so you have all week to gather what you need and make...
Yesterday was the big day-transfer #4!!! When I was told my transfer time was 9am, with an arrival of 8:30, I knew I had to get to NYC ...
Frozen Embryo Transfer #4
Final FET #4 Update
I was originally supposed to have a monitoring appointment on Wednesday 2/15, but because I was planning on heading into NY on Friday for t...
I'm so excited to share this life hack with you, but please be sure not to confuse life hack  with Pinterest worthy.    ...
Life Hack: Snack Shelf
Monday Munchies...
With all my traveling, and #commitment to tradition, I needed to find something new and exciting to bring to Dr. B's staff last week.  ...
Today marks one year since I found myself back at Dr. B's office.   365 days 3 transfers  4 embryos 1 fresh cycle and 20 lbs ...
Tear Stained Cheeks
Monday Monitoring...FET Prep
Monday rolled around and I found myself on an early morning drive back to New York.  Let's be real, for those of you who can't beli...
 This week I'm sharing my new fave challah recipe with you.  You can check out this recipe, but I promise, this is easier, faster, tas...
Monday Munchies...
FET Prep
On Monday I made my way back to New York-it was my first time back since my retrieval.  I had the usual blood and ultrasound and a lovely m...
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