Monday Munchies...

I'm going to try to bring this series back.
One reason is it will keep me on my menu-planning task.  
Hmm..maybe I'll add the weekly menu to this series...since it does begin on Monday.  

Alright, so, do you ever have those moments at home, where in such a short amount of time you accomplish so much?
Empty the dishwasher, load it up, get dinner started, and throw a loaf or two of banana bread in your oven?
Yeah? I love when that happens!

I especially love when I can quickly whip up something fancy for my family.
Even better if it's something somewhat healthy they can enjoy for breakfast.  

So, I know already shared a banana bread recipe HERE
but here's another awesome one.
I like this one better because it's magical. 
Yes, magical  
It baked, completely, in an hour.  No rotating the pans, no switching shelves, no adding extra time.
It even worked when I used one large loaf pan instead of two.
The most labor intensive part of this is melting your butter in the microwave.
Although next time I'll use whole wheat flour and applesauce, I promise!
I really will-I even bought the whole wheat flour!
Now I just need some applesauce.

1 1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda 
1/2 teaspoon salt 
1 cup white sugar 
2 eggs beaten 
1/4 cup butter, melted 
3 bananas 

I didn't even beat the eggs first.  I literally just dumped everything into a bowl and mixed.  Just make sure to mash the bananas first. If you're like me, and they came out of the freezer, they are pretty liquidy and and can easily be mixed.  Otherwise, I just squeeze them as I unpeel.   

Of course, I also added some dark chocolate chips. 

Besides being magical, the crust on the outside is slightly crunchy yet oh so tasty!

Any new recipes out there you love?  


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