Simmy: 3 & 4 months

Today, Simmy is 4 months old

I can't believe how fast time is going, yet it's so slow at the same time.  She's the perfect age-so tiny still, but getting big enough to not feel like she'll break at any given moment. She is able to appreciate her people and things and has a personality. 

Weight: Simmy is 12 lbs, but we go to the doctor on Monday and we'll have a true weight then.
Height: I'll find out on Monday.

Milestones: Simmy has been sucking her thumb over the paci for awhile now.  She has started attempting to sit up when she's placed in her swing, or bouncer, or mamaroo.  She has a newfound love for the swing because she can now see the mobile.  She slept through the night once, but it seems like we're entering into the four month sleep regression. 
She has just entered size 1 diapers, is still in newborn onesies, but is now in 0-3 month clothing! 

Likes: She loves the swing and the mamaroo now because she can see the mobile.  She enjoys going out and will stick to a consistent eating and sleeping schedule while we're out.

Dislikes:  She does not like being put down when we're at home.  There have been several lick 'n runs with Marshall, which she does not appreciate.  She no longer enjoys her paci and she even has trouble sucking her thumb, rather she sucks her hand.  Teething is on the horizon!   

Sleep:  We had one successful full night's sleep, and now we're back to hourly wake ups, maybe two to three hours if we're lucky.  We are still co-sleeping-did you know there are guidelines for safe co-sleeping?  I will sometimes put her in the mamaroo if it's the early morning hours and she seems more awake.  She now knows when it's night time and sleeps much better if she's put to sleep, in a bed. 

Medical: So far, we have no medical concerns.  We will be doing allergy testing in a couple months since our family now has a history of food allergies. 

Eating:  Simmy is exclusively nursing and she will eat every two to three hours during the day. She no longer cluster feeds, and will wake up every one to three hours during the night.

I missed doing a post for Simmy's three months

You can check out Simmy's two month update HERE.

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