It's a GIRL

Yeah, it took me some time too...days...
It took us five days to name her..
.but less than a second to love her.

This week last year, was my original due date.  I watched close friends have their babies, we were due the same week.  I begged God to allow me to just be pregnant by the time the one year anniversary rolled around. He did better...she's here, in our arms. 

I wasn't worried about the adjustment to four, and so far it's been easy.  If you're reading this mom, I totally took your help for granted before!  My parents booked travel a year ago, long before I was pregnant, and decided to stick to their original travel plans-which I was in full support of, but that means we were quite literally on our own from almost day one.  No one to help clean, help with the older kids, help at night, or in the morning.  We thankfully are having meals delivered, but late nights, early mornings, and middle of the night dog walks-all on us.  Thankfully it all has gone well.  

Life will resume somewhat of a normal routine as my husband will return to work tomorrow, Hannah will return to school, and the boys go back Wednesday.  I feel good, I feel decently well rested. and I feel like I know this little lady well enough to predict my day. 

So, while I'm waiting for birth pictures to share her birth story, I will hopefully resume normal blogging again, albeit cooking, I'm not cooking...yet. 

1 comment

  1. Me wants to know...does she like being a mummy?


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