Monday Munchies...

Hey...lookie here!  I am actually here...on a share a recipe with you all!
I cooked! #saywhat
But the truth is, with the three weeks of my meal train coming to end, it was bound to happen.  And with the lack of kosher food in our new home town, I've struggled with creating Shabbos day menus.  But, I got a little help from the weather!  It's been mighty mighty cold and snowy here-definitely not a typical winter!  And because of that, all I want to do is curl up, stay home, drink coffee, and eat warm soup. So, the crock pot it is!  

I tried out this recipe this past Shabbos when we had company, and I was blown away!  I was nervous truthfully-I was leaving out the fancy ingredients because I knew there was no way I would find them at my local grocery store, and some of the reviews had commented on the lack of taste.  

For starters I doubled the barley, and doubled+ the water.  However, it was way too much barley.  I would honestly either halve the barley and do the original recipe, or double and just do 1 cup total.  Next time I might add more mushrooms...I added some extra salt, pepper and I used chicken consomme and it was honestly so delicious, hearty and comforting.  I will definitely be making this again soon!  Maybe even a good weeknight meal if you add in some meat! 

In the coming weeks I'm most likely going to change up Monday Munchies to help me get a grip on my new task-weight loss!  I'm brainstorming now, but I hope it'll help me get organized, and hey, maybe you'll find a recipe or two you like! Maybe you'll even lose a pound, or ten #Ihavemanytenstolose 

Have a great week!

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