October: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness

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I've been a statistic for awhile...I am that 1 in 6.  
But 16 months ago, I became the 1 in 4; miscarriage..
I should see something more...
Two of them, back to back.     

Being a fertility patient for so long, with no history of loss, a miscarriage was the furthest thing from my mind.  After all, I was young and healthy.  Embryos from a 21 year old don't result in a miscarriage, and certainly not twice!  But the truth is, miscarriages don't discriminate, and even at 21, it was still considered normal.  

That day, I wasn't caught completely off guard; I had a sneaking suspicion.  And when it was confirmed a week later...I'm so thankful for the friends that rallied next to me.    

If you're the 1 in 4, you're not alone.  
If you're the 1 in 4, and you feel robbed of not only what could have been, but all the beauty that then comes your way...you're not alone.  
If you're the 1 in 4 and you question your body's capability...you're not alone.  

Even being more than halfway through a healthy pregnancy, I still attach an 'if' to it's presence, not a when.  
I still have moments when I panic. 
People are still afraid to openly talk about my pregnancy to me.  
1 in 4.  

If you're the 1 in 4, I want to tell you something: one day, you'll get to the other side.  You might feel unstable, and insecure, and nervous, and paranoid...but the other side awaits you, one day at a time.  One day, you'll feel the weight lifted...
One day, you'll think about it a minute less...
One day, you'll smile just a little more...
One day, you'll laugh a little louder...
One day, you'll feel peace...
One day, you'll see the beauty...the rose among the thorns...

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Check out my profile on The Layers Project where I talk about pregnancy after miscarriage.

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