
I missed it, but last week was National Infertility Awareness Week.
1 in 6, 1 in 8, 1 in 9-whatever the statistic is you've heard, struggle with infertility.  
Statistics are funny-theoretically for every group of 6-9 couples, 1 of them will have experienced some sort of infertility.  
Although, it doesn't actually work out like that all the time.  
I have come across plenty of people who have absolutely no idea what it means to be infertile, or don't know of anyone who has experienced infertility.  

That's why I choose to share my story. 
This is my soap box to spread awareness and create sensitivity. 
To spread gratitude and gratefulness.

Infertility is my  rose among thorns...

All the pain, all the agony, all the waiting, all the unknowns...
are worth it in the end. 


One of my greatest joys, are when people tell me my story touched them.
Or my story urged them to trust their intuition and seek additional medical help.
Or I planted a seed of awareness to someone unknowing, which allowed them to become gentler, more sensitive.  

For those of you still in the trenches, stay strong. 
You're journey is beautiful...

Tiny type with the message "Joy in the Journey" a reminder that life is a journey not a destination enjoy it. #rings 
For more of my infertility journey, you can read HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE

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