As an observant Jew, there are plenty of "traditions" I partake in.
I put them in quotes because "tradition" reminds me more of practices that were created on our own.
And that is definitely not the case here.
I didn't really grow up with many traditions that I can remember-other than the standard weekly meals.
Friday-Shabbos (Sabbath) dinner
I'm not sure why I can't remember Monday-Wednesday...
Anyway, I'm much more into the cutsey things in life, and matching and going all out, or as my mom likes to say spending money...
There are only a few times throughout the year that I would like to really make an effort to establish some family traditions. Birthdays being one of them.
Sunday Moshe will turn 4!
Over the summer he went to his first real kid-themed birthday party. A couple of weeks ago he went to his bestie's birthday party at a barn where they had pony rides!
I am not one to miss an excuse for a party-heck I even made sure Dovy got his own party, albeit small-but a party nonetheless in the hospital 1 day post delivery.
I've been searching and stressing out about coming up with some reasonable traditions that can be carried on throughout the years.
My main requirements are that they aren't too expensive-because I will have to do it x3, at least, and it can't require too much prep time.
One tradition I thought I would be implementing were the birthday cinnamon rolls

However, after making them once, I realized it was just too intensive of a recipe to whip together the night before.
Moshe's birthday falls out on Sunday, my husband has off in the morning so do I need to tell you where we'll be?
Take a guess...
I'll give you 3 guesses.
Ok you guessed, Dunkin Donuts!
I really love the idea of doing an interview each birthday

However, Moshe's birthday is right around the time of the new school year, and I want to do an interview at the beginning of each grade for everyone, and besides, doing it all at once will hopefully help keep me on track year after year!
I saw some pretty strange ideas, in my opinion.
Just because it's a birthday day, doesn't mean life stops.
I get a special breakfast, or dinner-heck, even both-but I don't have all day to do 20 activities centered solely around the birthday child, and no, I don't want to do a year long scrapbook or a yearly time capsule
For instance-
Decorating the entire house with confetti, balloons, streamers, pictures from throughout the year
Having them make their own birthday cake
A birthday bath...(say what??)
Some traditions sound reasonable, but would just stress me out-
Taking a picture in the same place every year
Doing the same birthday activity every year
Going overboard with the decorations
In the end, I decided to go with the tradition my husband grew up with.
The birthday table.
When you wake up in the morning you have a table by your bed filled with goodies.
I don't have a table, so the trundle bed directly across from his bed will have to do.
I will add balloons because I love balloons and I think it just adds amazingness to any occasion.
What I really love about this is that it's low-pressure. When you fill a table, or in my case a large Happy Birthday bag from Target, you can get away with one or two big gifts, but the rest is just filler.
I shopped the clearance section at Target, looked for toys that Moshe would enjoy for under $10, and used this as an opportunity to buy him either educational toys like games, science experiments, math flashcards, some arts and crafts, but most importantly-underwear!
Wow-I have turned in to my parents.
Remember those days I cried about how terrible my gifts were-and you told me how lucky I was that I wasn't getting socks or underwear!
Well, my poor child is receiving underwear for his birthday.
On Tuesday I am taking cupcake cake to his classmates, and he will have an official birthday party in October or November with family, friends from school and friends that are not in his school, and of course Mommy will not miss the opportunity to make the party a little bit about her and invite her friends.
What are some birthday traditions your family partakes in?
What birthday traditions would you like to create for your family?
night before your child’s birthday, decorate the house or his or her
room with balloons, confetti, flowers or a homemade banner. - See more
night before your child’s birthday, decorate the house or his or her
room with balloons, confetti, flowers or a homemade banner. - See more
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