Monday Munchies...Chex Mix

We recently had family friends come for a visit.  They drove from Ohio, so they came stocked with leftover goodies from their drive in.  One of the goodies she shared was homemade chex mix.  Boy did that bring back memories!  It was not a childhood staple by any means, but it's a super easy crowd pleaser with ingredients that are made from typically stocked ingredients or can be bought cheap.  

This week is going to be exhausting-besides work and the usual, I have one trunk show, plus cleaning and packing for Passover.  I knew this recipe needed to be quick.  And let me tell you, not only is the prep easy and quick, the cooking is quick-mine was done in about 20 minutes, and it's ready to eat!  

Chex Mix (adapted from the Original Chex Mix recipe)
3 cups corn chex
3 cups wheat chex
3 cups rice chex
1 cup pretzel sticks
1 cup cheerios 
6 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 
11/2 teaspoons seasoned salt 
3/4 teaspoons garlic powder 
1/2 teaspoon onion powder 

Combine cereal, cheerios and pretzels in a large bowl.  Melt butter and add in seasoning.  Pour over dry ingredients and pour on a cookie sheet. Bake

*Now, the original recipe says to just let it air dry, but I prefer to bake it.  I baked mine at 350 for 20 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes.  I think my oven was a little too hot, so maybe do 325.  

Unfortunately I discovered, as my butter was melting, that I was out of Worcestershire sauce, although I swear I saw an open bottle recently...anyway, I substituted soy sauce and left out the seasoned salt. 

I have to be honest, I just eyeballed the pretzels, cheerios (because who doesn't love them?!?) and the spices.  I also increased the butter by 2 tablespoons because I ended up with more dry ingredients than originally called for.  

I don't think this will last for our upcoming trip, but I'm sure we'll enjoy it in the meantime! 

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